What are the advantages?
All our customers benefit from the various advantages – everyone is a winner.

End-Customers benefit from the ultimate freedom in selecting and downloading apps. Despite ease of use, privacy is protected and a high level of security is ensured. Since publishers have to pay as good as no fees, they can offer better and fairer prices for their apps.
Thousands of Apps
Fairer App Prices
Privacy & Security

Developers benefit from not having to accept any restrictions when publishing apps and from being able to act completely independently. No fees are required when making payments for your apps. Even better, payments go directly to developers, enabling higher revenues and thus better funding for app maintenance and development.
No Restrictions
Act Independently
Direct Payments
Higher Earnings

Companies of course benefit from all the advantages of the developers and additionally from the possibility to distribute and market apps directly. This can be an attractive solution not only for end-customers but also for internal apps. To match this, we offer a white-label version with associated maintenance and automatic updating of apps.
Direct Distribution
Easier Marketing
White-Label Version
Internal Solutions
What do we stand for?
Our products are built on a strong foundation of values and promises which we uphold throughout and always stand by.
Products respect and protect everyone's privacy. A minimum of data should be processed and no unnecessary third-party providers should be involved.
Products meet the highest quality standards. It should always be carefully planned, properly developed and fully tested. As a Swiss company, even more so.
Open Source
Products must be open source and accessible to everyone. The most suitable licence should always be chosen and the code made available on several public platforms.
Products serve all parties. A balanced equality between all customer groups and ourselves should always be ensured to maintain fairness between all.
Products must be understandable for everyone. Open Source is an important part but the processes and the business model behind it should be transparent as well.
Products deal with their ethics and act morally. Extensive thought should be given in advance to the outcome, the impact evaluated and its tenability decided.
Interested or having questions?
Contact us without obligation and learn more about our products and services. You will receive a detailed answer from us within 24 hours. We look forward to hearing from you.